Our Services


Public Adjuster Services

A licensed public adjuster’s job is to advocate for clients & companies who have experienced a real property loss. Rodgers Group exists to help property owners maximize their insurance claim by enforcing insurance policies as they relate to damages. How are Public Adjusters compensated? Most public adjusters are paid based on a small percentage of the total settlement, and those fees vary by state. The fee is minimal in relation to the ultimate claim settlement. In the vast majority of cases, the difference our public adjusting services make in the amount of the claim settlement the policyholder receives more than offsets the fee.


Appraisal Services

In an appraisal capacity, our job is to negotiate claims settlements as damage experts to ensure fair dollar estimations for real property losses without application of policy language. How are Appraisers compensated? Appraisers are paid based on an agreed hourly rate.


Umpire Services

In an umpiring capacity, our goal is to serve as experts to render fair final decisions regarding monetary damages in appraisal disputes. How are Umpires compensated? Appraisers are paid based on an agreed flat-rate fee plus any additional expenses if more work is required in a particular dispute.


Services for Multi-Family Complexes

We are committed to alleviating complex claims related matters on behalf of multifamily owners including estimating and negotiation of damages, inventory of personal property and application of policy language in conjunction with damages to attain fair claims settlements. Our offices have negotiated settlements on behalf of hundreds of units over the years.